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Sacral Chakra


  "The second chakra is your center of personal power, creativity, sexuality, and finances. Issues of physical survival, control, and one-on-one relationships are at the core of this energy center.


Sacred Truth: Honor One Another
Every relationship you develop, from casual to intimate, helps you become more conscious. No union is without spiritual virtue.


Lower abdomen to navel, sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hip area.


Arthritis, chronic lower back or hip pain, sciatica, pelvic/low back pain, sexual potency, urinary problems, prostate or ovarian/uterine illnesses, fibroids, menopause severity.


Fear of loss of control, through events such as addiction, rape, betrayal, impotence, financial loss, or abandonment by partners or colleagues, ability to take risks, personal identity, blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships, decision-making ability, power to rebel."

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Frequency/Tone: 417 hz


Desert Sojourn 417hz
00:00 / 22:22
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